How to fix the Rails model naming convention issue

Parham Javadi
Jun 2, 2021


When I started working on my Rails project, I created a model called Superhero as well as a table called superheroes . I opened up the console to test my code, so I typed batman = Superhero.create(name: “Batman”) . After I pressed enter, I got this error message: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Could not find table ‘superheros’) . I instantly knew there was something wrong with the naming convention because the the correct spelling is actually “superheroes”, not “superheros”. It took me some time to look for a solution, but I finally found an easy fix:

  1. In my app’s directory, I openedconfig/initializers/inflections.rb
  2. And added this code:

ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections(:en) do |inflect|
inflect.irregular ‘superhero’, ‘superheroes’

And that’s it, it worked like magic and fixed the rails naming convention. I hope this will help you in building your project as well.



Parham Javadi
Parham Javadi

Written by Parham Javadi

I am currently a student at Flatiron bootcamp

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